Limitless-ZDKF: Accountability & Transparency
Thank you for visiting this page. The fact that you’re here means you care and that means a lot to me.
Thanks, also, for giving. For those who still would like to give, your donations, of any size, are greatly appreciated!
Donation Stats
Thank you to the following donors for your generousity!
Cindy*** $300
Eric*** $1000
Is*** $10
Gav*** $10
Daim*** $50
WSS*** $300
Andrianc*** $50
gw*** $200
MLChu*** $300
HongC*** $500
Total: $2720
Amount Sent to the Zen Dylan Koh Fund
(last updated 28 Dec 2019)
The first & second tranches of $1113 and $680 have already been sent to Limitless – ZDKF through
The remaining amount offsets the material cost to produce the calendars. In addition, I have set aside a small amount (6%) for future projects.
The Limitless – ZDKF on expires on 1 Jan 2020, but that is only on I will continue to contribute to Limitless – ZDKF for the duration of this 20|20 VISION calendar project.
Thank you again for your generous support! This has been a very deeply meaningful project for me. And I hope for you as well.